Accelerate your Online Growth


A self-paced course for female entrepreneurs who want to leverage high-performing units across Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest to get more impact with less work and have a brand that reflects the iconic level business owner that you are!


Say "yes" for every statement that's true for you:

✴ You want to grow rapidly online but are overwhelmed by all of the work it will take

You have started and stopped a million different social media strategies but aren’t consistent

You don’t have the time to manage multiple platforms due to the time commitment you think it will take so you aren’t tapping into your scale potential and leaving opportunity on the table

✴ You want a bigger impact for your business and brand presence and increase your brand authority which can be done through a strong online presence but you don’t know how and don’t want to hire someone to do it either

If you said "yes" even once, I want you to imagine your life if...

You knew how to work smarter and not harder and could grow your business across 3 different platforms by leveraging one piece of content on each of the platforms highest performing units

You created content that speaks directly to your ideal customer and served them incredible value that built a strong community and also converted

Your online presence is so strong that brands and publications are reaching out to you regularly wanting to work together and feature you on their sites

Clients are applying to your programs all of the time because they are exposed to your content, nurtured with consistency

The type of brand you're creating doesn't waste time in trial and error...


THAT level of CEO knows that her time is too valuable to be wasted posting sporadically, trying to talk to everyone instead of her ideal client, and complaining about the algorithm. 

She's busy consciously creating the brand of her dreams, investing in methods to help her grow, and magnetizing community, opportunities, and sales to her. 

Real results from inside the course


Hey, I’m Alex!


Let's cut to the chase... I know first-hand how frustrating it can be to have BIG dreams and feel like they're never going to happen.

Feeling like there's only one "right" way to be successful (a.k.a. the traditional route) and that scaling your own brand will require an excruciating amount of time, effort, and sacrifice, which stops you from really going for it.

Over the past two years I have helped hundreds of women elevate their internal state and what they believe is possible for them and structure a brand around their DREAM.

The women I support are raising the level on what they claim for themselves, and are creating beautiful business' that are a reflection of that.

I know how to pair energy work with action to see consistent life-changing results and I’m here to help you do the same!

No matter what your niche is, if you desire an iconic-level business, your brand and community needs to reflect that.

And I'm here to provide you the exact rinse & repeat strategy that you don't need to think about, you just implement and get back to what you truly love in your business (serving clients, creating offers, coaching, etc.) while your online growth just EXPLODES!

THAT is the kind of brand that you deserve, and the kind of brand that is a true reflection of you. 

Introducing Accelerate Your Online Growth

This is the exact blueprint of my custom strategy that will help you go from spinning your wheels on social without seeing growth, to using high-impact units to see more growth with less work.

Inside this self-paced course I teach you my exact-step by step strategy plus 7 additional modules on creating niche-specific content, maximizing output while minimizing overwhelm, and the energetics of exponential growth.


Here's what happens when you get your social media strategy right

What you'll learn in 6 high-impact modules:

This is a must-have self-paced course for female entrepreneurs that want to stop feeling overwhelmed with all of the tasks it takes to grow their online brand, and start leveraging high-performing units across Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest to get more impact with less work.


You can't fake these results


By the end of this course you'll walk away with:

✴  A deep understanding of how to drive continuous growth across 3 different social media platforms (Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest) with less work and more impact

✴ Top performing methods on how to create niche-specific content that will help you build a strong community that buys from you

 Exactly how to maximize content output while minimizing overwhelm

 The energetics of exponential growth and how to embody your next-level self

What's waiting for you inside the course:

Get instant access inside your own private portal and complete the course at your own pace.

Explode your Metrics

A look at what's possible...

That NEXT-LEVEL brand

World-Wide Reach

You could have amazing results just like these women


Your time is too valuable to be wasted being burned out and overwhelmed by all of the things that people say you need to do to grow online

You should be busy serving your clients and growing offers that you’re obsessed with!